Read our blog posts to find out why we ranked the restaurants the way we did and find out what events we participated in or what movies we recommend that you should/should not watch................

Many say that this movie is a let down from the previous movies. Most probably because this movie didn't have that teenage obsessive love story in it....which is what sets this movie apart for us!
We loved this part 1 of breaking dawn. The fact that Bella and Edward are put in adult roles made this movie so much better, for us.
Don't listen to the critics. Go see it for yourself!

One would think this is one of those boring
spin off movies, but you'd be very wrong. This movie is very well done in its own right. The characters were very believable and funny and all of us enjoyed it till the end. Very canny humor was used.
P.S. Kollonade's Ster Kinekor 3D cinemas are awesome!! Sit really close to the screen!

"Wonderfully off-beat" and upbeat. Not a movie to go to with your parents but we lived through it and actually enjoyed it! Anna Faris was brilliant as usual and so was Chris Evans! How can you go wrong with a co-star such as Chris. Very very Nice!
COCONUT ICE-CREAM!! If you're looking for something completely different yet not too out of the ordinary then you should try Bangkok Wok. They've got unique curries that for some reason are so much different than the norm. And yes, the deserts are "to die for". Their coconut ice-cream was a nice surprise and their fried or grilled pineapple compliments the ice-cream perfectly!
Well done, Well done. To be honest, the older sisters only went to see the movie to see Chris Evans, but we were pleasantly surprised.
With a movie like this and especially because it is Captain America you'd expect a lot of "cheesyness", but it was not the case. Like I said, a very well made movie and it had a very good story-line. The special effects were great and the 3D effects were just as great (we were ducking his shield at one point).
This one is up there with Iron Man and X-Men. Don't miss it, go to the cinema to watch this one.
Funny funny

funny, but maybe not for everyone. Horrible Bosses has a LOT of jokes with sexual references, with dirt-y jokes thrown in.
All -in-all the actors did a great job and if you're older than 16 and are looking for some cheering up then do watch this movie!
Braza Menlyn is ranked as one of our top restaurants and for a reason. We visited them again and they didn't disappoint. Their meat, sea food and even their veggies are great! They also have, other than great food, a relaxed atmosphere and good service. Everyone in the restaurant was upbeat and enjoying themselves. You've got to make a point of visiting Braza and soon!

Every time a new Harry Potter movie comes out we wonder why another one. But the Movies don't disappoint and the last Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows is just the same.
Deathly Hallows was intriguing and thoroughly entertaining, although some might say there was something missing in the Part 2 of the movie.
Still a great story and well made movie. Definitely a movie to watch in 3D.

The fourth Pirates of the Caribbean was a nice surprise as the last two didn't have the great Pirates feel. On Stranger Tides is as interesting if not more interesting than the first Pirates. We were captivated throughout the movie. Captain Jack Sparrow's character was funnier than ever and the strange worlds we're pulled in and the different characters in them are great.
Definitely a must see!
What a surprise. When you think of a Waffle House you think, dry waffles with some ice-cream to make it better.....But not The Waffle House Ramsgate. Their waffles are made just right and they even come with chocolate inside! Some at our table had second servings!
But you really!! shouldn't miss out on the savoury waffles. The best Chicken a la King and on a waffle!
The Waffle House scored very high (See the Restaurant Ranking List).
Those of you waiting outside in line to enter The Waffle house might be wondering if it is worth the wait, and we say YES!
Don't let the fact that Kauai is a health cafe put you off, because Kauai compares great with your other "unhealthy" fast food counterparts. You can get a decent portion of meat with your meal and their smoothies are just like, if not better than milkshakes.
We'd recommend their Latte Smoothie and Peanut Butter smoothie. Also, try the great noodle dishes. What makes the noodle dishes even more fun is that you are provided with chopsticks so that you can practice using chopsticks for you next sushi trip.

Awful, worst 3D Movie EVER. They got the story and the effects wrong, can't believe it......

Wondering what to do on Valentine's Day? Tangled is a nice light -hearted yet meaningful movie. And funny, loved the cupid! If you're not up for the serious scene during Valentine's, go watch this movie!

The Green Hornet was 'OK', that's all we're going to say. You might want to wait for the DVD and not watch it at the cinema. Kato is a better looking Jet Li though (know he plays Bruce Lee's part but he's more like Jet Li to me).

The Tourist is one of the rare movies that has a story line that is very well thought out and intelligent. If you love movies where all is not as it is then The Tourist is a must see. Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie is also great in this movie.

As we stepped into the cinema we quickly realized that this might be a scary movie experience, but we got over our fear of being in a cinema with a bunch of teenagers and actually enjoyed Easy A! The characters were brilliant and funny and it was just a fun movie to watch.
Easy A is some of the rare good teenage movies we would recommend.

This was a long anticipated movie! Well, does it live up to the previews? Lets put it this way, I was intrigued the whole way through while watching it. It was one of those movies where, every once and a while you go "Wow, coool!". To watch it in 3D is a definate must. Ok, there are some questionable things in the movie, like why, if you've got a choice would you make a dark world (no sun) with only (by the looks of it) LED and Neon lighting? But then again, the well advertised Blue bike wouldn't have looked as cool ad it did.
Walking out of the movie theater with lighting on the steps made the experience quite memorable. A must watch!